International Forum of Young Researchers of the Creative Economy

10:00 (GMT+3)
Higher School of Economics
Russian and International young researchers
Main Areas:
Analysis and assessment of creative industries, Digitalization of creative industries, Creative potential of cities and regions, Key trends and best practices


The International Forum of Young Researchers of the Creative Economy is organized by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK HSE University) as part of the activities of the World-class Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center.

Being a part of III International scientific conference dedicated to the creative economy studies, it brings together world-class researchers and experts to present latest research and methods, also discuss the current challenges, which face the research community. HSE has considerable expertise in the study of creative industries: the activities of several departments are devoted to this. The results of their work can be found by the link. Previous Forum pages are also available by links (2022, 2021).

KORUSTEC together with the Higher School of Economics invites young researchers* to participate in the international forum: this is a good chance to gain experience in performing outside the borders of Korea, exchange knowledge and experience, and possibly make new acquaintances in the scientific field.


Application for participation


Application is sent in *.doc format up to 1-1.5 pages should include the following information:

1) about the applicant: full name; date of birth; place of study and/or work; academic degree (if available);

2) abstract: title; relevance and importance; purpose and objectives of the study; novelty; research methodology; results obtained.

Applications are accepted until November 1, 2023 and should be sent by e-mail to


*young researchers should be under the age of 35.