XXII International Russia-Korea-CIS Conference on Science and Technology

see the Program
Holiday Tagansky Hotel
S&T Community "AKSTS", Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
Overall 42 speakers for science sections
Main Areas:

24.08 Program

15:00–23:00Hotel Check-In
19:00–21:00Welcome dinner

25.08 Program

09:00–09:40Opening Ceremony
09:40-12:10Plenary session
Moderator - Kang Vasiliy, PhD
09:40-10:10Keynote Speech 1
Kim Chang Seob, PhD, prof., Gachon University, Republic of Korea. «Energy Development Policy in Korea and Its Implications for Russia and CIS Countries»
10:10-10:40Keynote Speech 2
Alexander Syuy, DrSc, Chief Researcher, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia. «МXenes: synthesis, structure, properties and applications»
10:40-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-11:30Keynote Speech 3
Mun Grigory, DrSc, prof., Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. «Development of water-soluble and waterswelling materials and compositions for application in the treatment and prevention of socially significant diseases»
11:30-12:00Keynote Speech 4
Khvan Oleg, DrSc, Associate Prof., Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. «Prospects for the use of virtual autopsy in forensic medical practice»
12:00-12:20President of KOFST Award Ceremony
12:20-12:40Group Photo
13:40-15:10S&T session A - Biology and MedicineS&T session B - Engineering
15:10-15:30Coffee Break
15:30-17:00S&T session A - Biology and MedicineS&T session B - Engineering
17:10-18:10S&T session C - Physics, Earth sciencesS&T session D - Mathematics and IT

26.08 Program

09:00-11:30Plenary session
Moderator - Kang Vasiliy, PhD
09:00-09:30Keynote Speech 5
Kim Eduard, DrSc, Prof., Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok, Russia. «Innovations of reproduction, extraction and processing of biological resources of the World Ocean»
09:30-10:00Keynote Speech 6
10:00-10:30Pak Alexander, DrSc, Prof., Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia. «Energy technologies of the fourth generation»
10:30-11:00Keynote Speech 7
Kim Aleksandra, PhD, Associate Prof., Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia. «Search for bacteria with probiotic potential to increase the survival and growth rate of the Apostichopus japonicus under conditions of its artificial reproduction»
11:00-11:30Special Session
Lee Hee Chan, Head of Moscow Representative office of Korea Development Bank, Russia. «Program for innovative startups NextRise»
11:30-13:00S&T session E - Chemistry and new materials S&T session F - History and interdisciplinary sciences
14:00-16:00S&T session F - History and interdisciplinary sciences
16:00-16:45Special Session
The round table discussion devoted to the 160th anniversary of Koreans' immigration to Russia


The scientific and technical community “AKSTS” is popularizing research among ethnic Koreans of Russia in numerous fields of sciences: STEM, as well as in the humanities and social sciences. One of the priority areas is youth sections, which are attended by senior students, undergraduates and postgraduates.

AKSTS conferences are a good opportunity for young researchers to practice in public speaking and networking, present the results of their work and add to the list of scientific publications.

KORUSTEC annually participates in the organization of a conference for young Korean scientists. This year, Koreans living in Russia, including outside Moscow, will take part in the scientific program of the event. We encourage the participation of practitioners and promote the development of a platform for scientific cooperation within Russia.


Application for participation


To participate in the conference, it is necessary until July 20, 2023 to register on the Conference website and send required document by e-mail.

The list of required documents:

  • Application form in a format of docx. file, contiaining the following:
    • text of the presentation in Russian, ranging from 2 to 4 pages;
    • abstracts of the presentation in English, 1 full page;
    • short biography of the author in Russian and English, up to 70 words in length;


  • A scan of the examination report of the presentation.


Abstracts that have successfully passed the review will be published in the collection proceedings of the conference, indexed in the RSCI.

Detailed information on application process can be found by the link.