October 31 Daily S&T Trendletter

Date: 31.10.2023

  • In China, the Nauka 0+ festival in a hybrid format was attended by more than 400 thousand people


The campus of the Russian-Chinese University of MSU-SPI has become a venue for 350 events with the participation of more than 200 scientists. The festival in China was a joint initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the University of Moscow State University with the support of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Beijing Polytechnic Institute and the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Source: TASS


  • Russian scientists promise to create a nuclear space engine by the end of the decade


Only Russia has the experience of operating nuclear reactor power plants in space. The preliminary design of the space nuclear tug should be ready by mid-2024. The article also provides an overview of alternative foreign technologies for space power engines.
Source: RIA


  • The representative of the Russian bank believes that blockchain will replace banking in the future


Alexander Chernoshchekin, Senior Vice President of PSB Bank, believes that “in the horizon of 10-15 years, as the blockchain technology will acquire its maturity, the tasks of banks will be significantly transformed. And we have no other choice but to observe its development and participate in the process, and it is best to lead it.”
Source: CNews


  • Graduate students will be allowed to defend their dissertations in the form of a report based on scientific publications


Applicants for the degree of PhD will be able to defend their dissertation in the form of a scientific report prepared on the basis of previously published works, the website of the Russian government reports.
Source: Interfax


  • A new method for the diagnosis of skin cancer based on the analysis of fat molecules in cells is presented


Using this method, Russian scientists were able to distinguish healthy skin from tissue with cancerous neoplasms with an accuracy of more than 95%. This research was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF) and published in the journal Molecular Sciences.
Source: nauka.rf