October 23 Daily S&T Trendletter

Date: 23.10.2023

  • The first bio-installation for air purification in Russia will be produced in 2024
This installation will purify the air by pumping through live moss and other plants, while the device is also able to monitor air quality and humidify it. This device, as well as the software for correct operation, is patented in various versions.
Source: TASS
  • The Russian ART-XC X-ray telescope on board the Spektr-RG Space Observatory has resumed its survey of the entire sky
The Spektr-RG observatory was launched into orbit in 2019. One of the main tasks of the ART-XC telescope installed at the observatory was to survey the Galactic plane. Having completed the survey of the Galaxy, the telescope moved on to the survey of the entire sky. Based on the data obtained, it is planned to compile the most complete survey of the sky in the hard X-ray range.
Source: RG
  • The project of the lunar transport platform was created at the Moscow Aviation Institute
This project was developed by the master student of the faculty of “Aerospace High-tech Technologies and Production” of the Moscow Aviation Institute. The spacecraft will be useful at the stages of full-fledged exploration of the Moon. Development will require regular delivery of payloads to the Earth’s natural satellite, as well as the return of resources, research results and people from it.
Source: nauka.rf
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to prepare proposals for “Megascience” class research equipment at the Rosatom Scientific Center
The President expects the execution of the order until February 15, 2024. A network of unique research facilities of the megascience class should ensure the creation of breakthrough technologies in Russia based on synchrotron and neutron research.
Source: TASS
  • How artificial intelligence helps in various sectors of the Russian economy
Russia has adopted nine programs of experimental legal regimes for the use of artificial intelligence in the field of highly automated vehicles, telemedicine, etc. The volume of the Russian artificial intelligence market is steadily growing. According to experts, in 2025 artificial intelligence will allow Russian companies to save about 1 trillion rubles.
Source: RBC